Where to Apply Essential Oil?

Source from Young Living.

Essential oil for skin: how to apply on your body

There are sciences when we talk about essential oil for skin. Anytime you apply, rub, or massage essential oils into your skin, your experience starts with sensory receptors. These receptor cells are all over your body, and they do some pretty powerful stuff. Let’s talk about what these human body receptors are and why they’re so amazing!

How dose essential oil for skin work?

Receptors are protein molecules that have binding sites on them for different types of molecules. When an external molecule finds a binding site it fits in, it communicates with your brain through electrical signals. These signals can go to your muscles, organs, or—in the case of your olfactory receptors—the amygdala, which is involved in the emotions you experience.

Some familiar receptors are your taste buds. When you eat, the food or drink interacts with saliva, and molecules bind to the taste receptors in your mouth. These receptors come in contact with nerve cells, which communicate a particular flavor to your brain.

Another example of receptors in action is Cool Azul Sports Gel. When you apply it to your skin, it triggers receptors and sends cooling signals to the brain. That’s why you can feel the tingling sensation all over your skin!

Your body has these amazing receptors all over, so there are plenty of places you can apply essential oils. Check out our handy infographic below to see where you can get started!

Essential oil uses


Source from www.youngliving.com

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